估吓,DMZ而家有咩買?Two Thin Coats! 我們很高興向油figure愛好者和 Duncan 支持者提供Two Thin Coats acrylic 油漆。每種顏色有 3 個色調級別,你將能夠找到適合你需求的色調。
每瓶售價 34 港元, 留言或 WhatsApp 我哋 +852 96059007
Guess what DMZ is offering now? Two Thin Coats!! We are excited to offer Two Thin Coats acrylic paints to fellow painting enthusiasts and Duncan supporters. With 3 tone levels per colour, you will be able to find a shade that works for your painting needs.
Each bottle is priced at $34HKD. Let us know in the comments or WhatsApp at +852 96059007