Para Bellum

Spires: Brute Drones

Spires: Brute Drones

Regular price HKD$400.00
Regular price Sale price HKD$400.00
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Towering well over two meters, with most specimens touching the three meter mark, Brute Drones are a towering mass of vat grown muscle and aggression. Their skin, where it can be seen beneath the ichor soaked bandages they bear, is a ravaged mass of scar tissue and subdermal bone deposits. Their armor is literally sealed onto their bodies, held in place by alchemically treated cartouches that establish Lineage ownership, lot number and enhancement date of the particular drone.

On the battlefield, Brute Drones are little more than living battering rams. As a result, they are always deployed in conjunction with a pheromancer, whose powerful pheromonal commands are the only thing that can cut through the haze of pain and rage that clouds their mind.

Box contains: 3 models per pack Includes Command expansion and regiment stands. 1 Command Card and assembly instructions..

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